G-K0F4D5MY2P Season 1, Episode 8 - Mastering Self-Reflection, Transforming Internal Narratives, Overcoming Negative Mindsets - Tracking Wisdom

Episode 8

Season 1, Episode 8 - Mastering Self-Reflection, Transforming Internal Narratives, Overcoming Negative Mindsets

Tracking Wisdom

Season 1 Episode 8

Season 1, Episode 8 - Mastering Self-Reflection, Transforming Internal Narratives, Overcoming Negative Mindsets

Recorded - 10/03/22


In this episode, we explore the profound impact of internal narratives on emotional well-being and personal growth, blending ancient wisdom with contemporary insights.

Key Takeaways:

  • Narratives and Self-Responsibility: Our feelings and behaviors are shaped by internal narratives, empowering us to recognize our role in shaping experiences.
  • Mindfulness and Emotional Agility: Tools like mindfulness and meditation foster awareness of internal narratives, emphasizing continuous practice for emotional balance.
  • The Complexity of Forgiveness: Forgiveness liberates from negative emotions, focusing on self-liberation rather than affirmation of others' actions.
  • Cultural Perspectives on Blame: Cultural biases toward blame are examined, prompting listeners to reconsider blame and responsibility in their lives.
  • The Pursuit of Happiness: Happiness stems from understanding emotional responses, reframing narratives, and seeking growth through self-awareness.

Episode Resources

  • Vail Symposium - The Energy Codes with Dr. Sue Morter Video - Everything is energy, including you. Quantum science is showing us, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that everything in our world– including our thoughts, feelings and beliefs– is energy held in different patterns. These patterns are the basis of our reality impacting our perceptions, our vitality and even our health. Learning the truth of who we are as energy beings, we become powerful creators of our life experience. Based in quantum science, neuroscience and energy medicine, The Energy Codes® teach us how to train the mind to serve the great intuitive presence that we truly are, by listening to the unspoken language from within the deep core of the body–a true celebration of the human spirit. Dr. Morter describes her journey as a doctor who had a spontaneous awakening to the Soulful Self, codifying the process of guiding others to do the same. Learning to shift from living in our heads and the stress created there to claiming the benefit of living in our wholeness has never been needed more. Our current times are calling us to awaken a greater version of ourselves and experience the life we were intended to live. Join the Vail Symposium as Dr. Morter guides us to this greater understanding with her fun, uplifting and inspired presentation style.
  • The Energy Codes: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body, and Live Your Best Life - Author: Dr. Sue Morter

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